Second Year

Baby Girl is Turning Two

Baby Girl is Turning Two

How can it be that the tiny baby struggling for breath in the nursery, screaming at the top of her lungs days later (because she could, I guess), falling asleep on my chest at night because her startle response was so severe that she’d wake herself up if we laid her down flat, is turning two? How can that tiny baby now be forming complex thoughts, simple sentences and carrying on complete conversations? I don’t know how it can be,...

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Second Year, First Semester, Law School Finals – Done!

What a huge relief!  Another round of law school finals is done!  Although I would say that I was not particularly stressed out about finals now that I am a big, bad 2L (humor, folks), I have to say I was incredibly happy last night when I turned in my last final. *Whew* It is nice to be able to have the free brain space to think about other things and now, focus on Christmas. I realized today that I have not even considered shopping for...

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Fun with Paint

Fun with Paint

A couple weekends ago, I was on my own for a short time with the kids. It’s good it was only a short time, because I let them do crazy things, like paint….pictures, the table, themselves…..Actually, I think I am only emotionally equipped to handle them for short periods of time. I could NOT be a stay-at-home Mom, and I thank God my partner mostly enjoys it. I do love playing though, and these are a few pictures of our big fun...

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Break from Law School to Say Happy Halloween!

Break from Law School to Say Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!!! ARGGHHHHH! I be a pirate today, matey! So, batten down the hatches, filch some grog and prepare to set sail! Ahoy! Thar be me and me son preparing to loot the kitchen while the wee one and me mate are sleepin’! Have a Happy Halloween,...

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Law School Extracurriculars

This past weekend I was a student invitee/participant at the  State Bar Family Law Conference. Thus begins my law school extracurriculars!  Great chance to observe “real, live lawyers” in a relaxed atmosphere and “schmooze” to my heart’s content, as one of my sponsors so aptly put it. Ah, the art of schmoozery – not really my thing – but I’m getting decent at it. After a while, it is a bit...

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Back to Law School Blues

Back to Law School Blues

The post where I confess that I am dreading going back to school. I guess I have the going back to law school blues. OK, dreading is a strong word. Maybe “having mixed feelings” is more accurate. I am looking forward to getting back into the swing of school, getting my feet wet with family law and intellectual property and just learning more. On the other hand, we have been having the BEST SUMMER EVER. It’s been so wonderful...

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About Me

Insider advice and insights to help you decide if you should pursue a higher degree while raising children, and tips for being successful if you're already on that path, from a woman who graduated from law school in her early 40's while working full-time and helping raise two young children. While most of the blog posts were originally written several years ago, they have recently been sorted for the most relevant materials, and new content is being added.

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