Recent Thoughts – Years After The Bar

Advice for Parents – Your First Year of Law School

Advice for Parents – Your First Year of Law School

I recently had a single mom of two young ones who is about 6 weeks into her first year of law school ask me for some pointers about how to balance all of her responsibilities and not feel so overwhelmed.  I realized there are probably several people out there in similar situations wondering the same thing, so thought I would share the basics of my response. ————— Let me start by saying that everything you are...

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Guest on The Girl’s Guide to Law School

Guest on The Girl’s Guide to Law School

Hey – this is pretty cool! I was featured on the web site, The Girl’s Guide to Law School.   In the interview, I answer some interesting questions about balancing school and family, finding a family-friendly career, and my own career. There is some useful information here for those of you who are already in law school, and also for those wondering about what might be in store. These are questions I have never answered before, not...

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My Law School Book is Now Available!

My Law School Book is Now Available!

I am so happy to announce: Law School Insights: An Insider’s Guide for Non-Traditional Students is Now Available! Simply click on the image or the title above to go to Amazon. What others are saying: “Dakota Duncan has written the definitive book for nontraditional students. It begins with the application process and ends with successfully studying for the bar…Along the way, Duncan helps you consider both the time management...

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First Year of Law School – The Adjustment Period

First Year of Law School – The Adjustment Period

This is the time of year many students head into their first year of law school.  If you are one of them, this post will speak directly to you. If you are thinking about being a law student one day, but you haven’t been in school for a while, and you have kids at home, here’s a little taste of some things to consider. *** So, you’re a 1L – a first year law student. Congratulations! You are about to undergo one of the toughest...

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Studying for the LSAT As a Parent?

Studying for the LSAT As a Parent?

I recently had a member of my community ask about ideas for finding time and staying motivated while studying for the LSAT as a parent. Specifically, she asked about how to prepare for the LSAT while taking care of her young child and keeping her spouse happy.  Great topic – and as usual with all things law related, there is no easy answer. First off, it is critical right now, while law school is still a dream on the horizon, for you and your...

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Law School Insights – Update on the Book

Law School Insights – Update on the Book

  Just a couple of quick updates. First, I have just finished uploading blog posts through my third year.  Only one more year to go and all of the most relevant ones will be available on this site. The glimpses offered really do provide a good idea of what life was like for me while in law school.  Hopefully, it is useful for those of you wondering what life might be like in law school.  I love looking back on the pictures and stories of my...

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About Me

Insider advice and insights to help you decide if you should pursue a higher degree while raising children, and tips for being successful if you're already on that path, from a woman who graduated from law school in her early 40's while working full-time and helping raise two young children. While most of the blog posts were originally written several years ago, they have recently been sorted for the most relevant materials, and new content is being added.

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