Our boy started Kindergarten today.

He was so excited and happy this morning. Partner put him on the bus. His bus trip was outstanding. Baby Sister and I met him at the school so we were there when he got off (and so was Partner by then). He was happy, excited – we lined up to go into his classroom, and it all fell apart. He did not want to go inside. We finally got him in….he did not want to stay and did not want us to leave. There was quiet drama. We finally had to leave, and he was in quiet tears. All of our hearts were broken. Partner and I stressed for the next 2 1/2 hours, wondering how it was going, and why, after such great day camp prep experiences this morning went so terribly wrong.

Partner went to pick him up in time for his 12:05 release – and guess what? He LOVED it, and can’t wait to go back tomorrow! I talked to him on the phone and asked what he did. He very excitedly told me he had a snack! How funny – the snack was what he was most excited about, and it was just cereal. What a huge relief. Looks like we are successfully heading into this new phase of all of our lives.

Happy Kindergarten, Son!