“This was your decision.”

OK – this will be a short entry, but I just had to write it.

Last night before class, a friend and I were teasing each other about hearing from our partners unsympathetic variations of the phrase, “This was your decision.” Both of us have supportive partners, but let’s face it, being with a law student is no easy task. As I have mentioned before, our families bear additional burdens due to our student status, so it’s not unreasonable that they sometimes have little sympathy for our self-imposed stress, lack of sleep, workload..etc.

As we were talking, a classmate starts laughing and says, “Oh my gosh, I hear that all the time!”

He says he was a wonderfully supportive partner. We all do – and part of that support seems to be reminding us that it was our choice to go to law school 🙂

I suspect only other law students will find this entry amusing.