Halloween Faces 2005(Written quickly in a pause between classes on Halloween night. Cut and Pasted the next morning.)

Gosh, is there anything more powerful than Mommy-Guilt? I have been feeling horrible all night for not skipping classes and going trick-or-treating with my family. My son and I had a great time this past weekend doing pumpkin carving, face painting and having little Halloween parties. Still, I missed THE night. I missed seeing him in his costume. I missed the family fun. Plus all that, my partner had to do it all alone – kids into costumes, lugging them around to Grandma’s, trick-or-treating in the dark, misty/rainy neighborhood…*sigh* Doing this all alone was not part of our bargain. I should have been there to help.

Still, a good time was had and my son was home by 7:00 with a tummy ache shortly thereafter. Once again, the hardest part about law school is not the academic challenge, but the emotional burden of the commitment. Go figure.