Sept 2005 - Me and KeltonWe have almost completed week 2 of law school and we are surviving. My partner seems to be having a better week this week than last. Our son has been really good this week, and he gets to stay up to see me on school nights. When I get home, we play a bit and then I put him to bed. Makes for late nights for all of us, but worth it to get to spend time together. Our baby girl may not notice when I am gone, but she sure is happy when she sees me. It is great seeing the big smile light up her face and having her reach for me. Oh, she is crawling in earnest now – no stopping that girl! My partner has her work cut out for her!

During these first weeks of law school I can honestly say the classes have been fun. I love the way we are being encouraged to think and analyze. This is so much different from classes where the professor gives you the answers and you memorize them (not that there was a lot of that at my undergrad school, The Evergreen State College in Olympia, WA). Here, we often hear, “we don’t know the right answer,” but they help us look at the things we should be considering. Cool.