Damn. I think it just hit me today: I work full time. I go to LAW SCHOOL 3/4 time. I’m raising a family. Am I nuts? This is a lot of work.

I know, I know. Most of you are probably saying something to yourself right now along the lines of….”Duh.”

I apparently am incredibly slow. I usually do not really get that this is a lot. It is just life. Somehow, this semester I feel like I’ve had less time to process what I should be learning than ever. Realistically, I know this is not true. There has never been nearly enough time to process what I am learning. This semester is really no different. What is different is this is the most credits I have taken. I am taking 12 credits. Is 12 really any more work than 11 though? It’s a tad more class time, but really….in my life, it is still 4 classes. Same – same.

This semester, it will be fine, but I am looking forward into next semester, in which our Brave Hero fool-heartedly charges head first into another 12 credit load and a 10 hour a week internship, on top of the 32-hour per week job. WHAT? I’ve poured over the class schedules and there is just no good way out of it.

So, if you are looking for me next semester, you can find me in a “tranquil setting” with padded walls and no sharp objects. I’ll be the one babbling something about the Bar Exam.